Grey leaden skies
pour out their emotions
dreary sadness prevails
in the murky atmosphere
Birds in their trees
droop their heads in mourning
the darkness travels within
my heart heavy with sorrow
Damp and decay greet the eye
penetrating every pore
the Sun remains a prisoner
its warmth consumed by the clouds
I watch the fog descendingits wispy tentacles advancinggrowing menacingly out of nothingnessswallowing the glimmer that remains
But suddenly, I hear a voice
so unreal yet so clear
yonder, look beyond the gloom
there lies the glade of hope
These patient sufferings shall yield
to the warmth of joys they conceal
every poignant moment, pregnant with sorrow
holds the happiness of tomorrow
So when rain dampens the spirit
nature’s message, treat it as such
for every down there is an up
and in every end a new beginning
Rise, wake and discover this truth
see peace and harmony seep through
look inward, introspect and find
silences communicating eloquently
See yourself, a thread in the fabric
entwining, embracing the world
feel the invisible links so strong
the design so grand running throughout
Come to terms with existence
and suddenly, the pain is no more
rise above the quagmire of triviality
mundane pursuits now seem so futile
Break the shackles of desire
wrest the soul free from longing
the vision of action slowly unfolds
and I begin to see the light
Such are the flashes of knowing
what lies within, above and beyond
life has a meaning, a mission, a purpose
and yet we choose to forget
A glorious journey, excitement in discovery
every milestone a revelation
I know not what lies at the end
yet the irresistible pull draws me on
The senses are enraptured
not thinking, just feeling
the emptiness begins to overflow
my vacant mind chokes with sensations
Alas, I sink into the rut
ordinariness takes its toll
the means the end, without a meaning ?
perceptions are dulled, illusions abound
Will my emancipation ever be complete
and the pall ever be lifted ?
hope eternal smiles benevolently
as life slowly resumes…..