Visions of Myself
Sometimes like driftwood
Swept along by the current
Caught in whirlpools
Cast aside on the shore
Wet and defenseless
Sometimes like a leaf
Dropped from a tree
Buffeted by the winds
Piled on the sidewalk
Drying and lifeless
Sometimes like a pebble
Lying on the street
Kicked by children
Walked on by passersby
Alone and purposeless
Sometimes like a cloud
Suspended in the sky
Attacked by the sun
Pushed with urgency
Wispy and shapeless
Sometimes like an eagle
Soaring in flight
Riding the thermals
Seeing all beneath it
Serene and fearless
Sometimes like a bee
Buzzing along with purpose
Collecting drops of nectar
Making sweet honey
Busy and tireless
Sometimes like a sea
Stretching across the horizon
Cradling life in its bosom
Ebbing and flowing
Deep and bottomless
Sometimes like a lover
Yearning for the union
Drunken in ecstasy
Lost in another
Detached and selfless
Sometimes like the Infinite
Beyond words and description
The doer of all deeds
The dancer and the dance
Pervasive and limitless